We don’t see the change. We need to do different things.

Kelsey Gallagher was questioned to throw her recently because she was scared of wearing a Rocky horror show.

“I’m wearing fishing nets, but I’m wearing a long dress – it’s unreasonable.” “I go out for a walk in the city, and these people think it’s good because I’m wearing the way to boo me.”

Through the collaboration with the Canadian Young Women’s Association marketing agency, the display uses fashion and genuine online commentary to highlight the victim’s alleged sexual assault case.

In the 30 exhibitions, a golden edge crop called “Top Crops” was affixed to social media. “It is clear that rape is a terrible thing, but why is it possible to reduce this possibility?” In a crop area to clubbing is looking for.

“When it comes to social media, your words are there, everyone can read it,” Gallagher said. “As a woman, if you have dealt with these situations. If you were once the victim of a rape case, you are reading these words while you are in yourself, and you will feel that you may be wrong because what you are wearing … “You should not have questioned it. It ‘s not your fault.

A hot pink teddy bear, which says “shameless underwear suit”, says: “I also considered your description of this matter, especially taking into account the type of teddy lingerie you were wearing.

Gallas questioned why a public figure – or anyone – thought it would be possible to belittle women.

“You do not need to be afraid of being raped, you should act and put on the teddy lingerie you want,” she said.

When a woman was raped, judged and stereotyped could use a lifetime, the woman said Kendra Strong Garcia, senior director of the program of the YMCA Reggina.

Garcia points out that Saskatchewan has the highest rate of sexual assault in Canada.

“It is closely related, and unfortunately, people think it can blame the victim or the victim’s behavioral problems – they wear them, their performance, how much they drink rather than behave, who guilty,” plus West Asia said.

She said, accusing the victim of preventing them from coming forward and sharing what was happening.

The pop-up store was held in a number of events in Saskatchewan’s Violence Prevention Week.

Roz Kelsey, Director of Gender Violence Prevention Campus, said the exhibition must provide feed for the dialogue.

“We’ve never been so bold,” said Kelsey. “We are always nervous about saying ‘rape culture’, we are always worried about the political right, and now we see that there are enough women to mobilize them and say ‘we can not see the change.’ ‘We need to do different thing.

“As an institution, I think we have the obligation to push us to talk about the boundaries of things and learn how to do new things about these things,” added Kelsey. “It is amazing to have these resources in the community help us to do this.” We are honored to work with such activities as the YMCA. “